Mini IoT (IoTm) is a compact and multi-purpose datalogger for measuring and storing different parameters. This small, modular and low-cost datalogger offers fast communications, low power consumption, built-in USB, and excellent analog input accuracy and resolution. The IoTm can measure most environmental and industrial sensors. It is ideal for small applications requiring long-term remote monitoring. The IoTm is available as standard and modular version in various sizes and with a variety of inputs and outputs, only standard values are given below.
Communication and settings via computer USB port. Settings over SMS is also available.
High accuracy of frequency and voltage readings.
Provides simple serial sensor integration and measurement with I2C, 1-Wire or RS-232 TLL level.
Capable of sending data to the desired FTP server on your preferred format.
It is modular and available in various sizes and with a variety of inputs and/or outputs.
Mini IoT
foto: Iztok Sinjur
foto: Iztok Sinjur
foto: Iztok Sinjur
foto: Iztok Sinjur
IoT Micro Visitor Counter (MiMic) is a compact two-way measurement and data storage device counting pedestrians and bicycles. This small visitor counter datalogger offers wireless communications, low power consumption and built-in USB. The MiMic is ideal for counting applications requiring long-term monitoring on remote sites in natural parks and natural areas. Data can be automatically downloaded on FTP server using 2G/3G transmission or SMS. MiMic use built-in passive infrared technology used for bi-directional counting.
Capable of sending data to the desired FTP server on your preferred format.
MiMic is small in size: 18 cm in length and 3 cm in diameter.
The battery life is 2 years with the included data transfer over the mobile network.
Communication and settings via computer USB port located on special connector. Settings over SMS is also available.
Possible installation with minimal visibility in the natural environment.
MiMic uses a circular database with data for last 60 days.
IoT Micro Visitor Counter
Photo: Iztok Sinjur
Photo: Mitja Ferlan
Photo: Iztok Sinjur
The IoT counter is used for the monitoring of numerosity of transitions or movements of persons, animals and / or vehicles, past the selected point in one or both directions. Due to the flexibility of the shape and size of the case and the technical data transfer solutions, transitions can be detected either in buildings, or at a distant point in the nature. Low energy consumption and innovative software solutions enable a long automatic operation and rare maintenance interventions.
Exterior case dimensions (length × width × height): 10 cm × 10 cm × 100 cm, adjustable.
Passive / active infrared (IR) sensor height: adjustable, default 70 cm.
IR beam reach:
- passive: 5 m at an angle of 15 °,
- active: up to 12 m.
Power supply: Battery pack with Li-ion batteries. In the case of an active sensor, additional external power is required.
IoT Counter
Slovenian Forestry Institute, Laboratory for Electronic Devices
Večna pot 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia